
作者:shawn 2021-09-16





ZUCCa x CONVERSE Jack Purcell RH 联名鞋履登场

日本时尚品牌 ZUCCa 日前携手 CONVERSE 全新打造 Jack Purcell RH,为经典「焕新」带来更多着用可能。Jack Purcell 深入人心的鞋型百搭舒适,ZUCCa 在保留原有经典味道的同事,鞋面以耐用 Cordura 材质打造,鞋带部分换为松紧调节设计,穿脱更加便捷;黑色与白色字样的组合吸睛度十足,低调彰显细节。据悉 ZUCCa x CONVERSE Jack Purcell RH 将于 8 月 6 日开售,售价 17,600 日元,喜欢的朋友不妨届时前往入手。


maharishi 携手 G.H.BASS 推出全新联乘

英国品牌 maharishi 近日携手拥有悠久历史的鞋履品牌 G.H.BASS 推出全新联乘系列。在此次合作中,双方选择 G.H.BASS 旗下经典鞋款 Wee jun 乐福鞋作为蓝本,推出以 G.H.BASS 标志性皮革压印花纹设计为主打的黑、棕双色鞋款设计,搭配 maharishi 今季服饰令人眼前一亮。据悉,该系列将于当地时间 8 月 6 日正式上架,如有兴趣还请持续关注。


Nike ACG 2021 秋季系列即将发售

Nike ACG 2021 秋季系列以原汁原味的复古三角形 ACG Logo 呈现,带来包括卫衣、T恤、风衣、短裤等新品。此外,ACG Mountain Fly Low 和凉鞋 Air Deschutz 在本季重新亮相,重点针对炎热时节户外涉水的徒步及探险活动打造,帮助穿着者应对各项挑战。本季的单品以醒目的配色方案为主,无疑是运动潮人的理想全天候户外装备。据悉,Nike ACG 2021 秋季系列将于 8 月 2 日正式登场,感兴趣的朋友不要错过了。



近日,鞋履品牌 DANNER 携手《LIGHTNING》杂志打造全新联乘系列鞋履。本次合作采用 DANNER 40 年前的工作靴为原型,整双鞋运用两张牛皮打造圆润又具有分量感的鞋型,并且经过制鞋师的调整使得鞋楦更加适合亚洲人。采用没有鞋跟的 Vibram 橡胶鞋底搭配双方的 logo 细节,不仅为户外活动提供更稳固的保障,同时可以作为都市通勤的另一选择。 据悉,DANNER x《LIGHTNING》联乘系列已正式登陆官网,感兴趣的朋友不妨前往选购。


球衣材质打造!维金斯 PE 匹克大三角曝光!网友:市售必入!

匹克态极大三角可能是最近一年口碑最好,入手难度最高的实战鞋之一。 之所以能够爆红,除了出色性能带来的好口碑,当然也少不了维金斯的代言加持。 作为维金斯的主力战靴,他的 PE 配色肯定必不可少,近日就有一款特殊材质的 PE 版本曝光。整体采用了金州勇士队的白蓝黄配色。 最大的特点就是,鞋头部分外层鞋面采用了与球衣相同的网眼材质,质感与众不同。 其上大三角 Logo 也采用了类似球衣号码的缝线工艺固定。


OFF-WHITE x Dunk Low 开始抽签了!官方晒出上脚照!

进入 8 月开始,Nike 终于开始发力,除了最近人气越来越高的闪电倒钩 Travis Scott x fragment x Air Jordan 1 Low 即将在国内发售之外,还有同样重磅的 OFF-WHITE x Nike Dunk Low “The 50” 系列。 随着发售日期愈加临近,昨天 OFF-WHITE 官方 Instagram 账号晒出「01 OF 50」和「50 OF 50」两款配色的上脚照。“The 50” 顾名思义,整个系列一共包含 50 款配色,其中最特别的就是「01 OF 50」和「50 OF 50」这两双,分别以纯白和纯黑色为主调,搭配银色 Swoosh,既有 OFF-WHITE 标志性的解构风格,还包含浓浓的复古气质。其他 48 双都是在白灰主题的基础上改变鞋带、鞋舌、鞋垫等细节,整体大同小异,气质上却各不相同,数量取胜总有你喜欢的一双。


美区 SNKRS 上架!TS x 闪电新联名又来了! 网友:钱包受不住!

Travis Scott x fragment x Air Jordan 1 当之无愧是下半年最劲爆最有牌面的新鞋,毕竟两大「抢钱天团」强强联手听起来就超有实力,再加上无数次的曝光预热,已经让不少球鞋玩家按捺不住。近期,伴随着「闪电反勾」脚步的临近,美区 SNKRS 还上架了全新的联服饰。 此次联名服饰中包括有连帽卫衣、短袖和短裤,配色方面选了简单的黑、白双色呈现。连帽卫衣以黑色为主调,并在腹部印有花体造型的 Jordan、Cactus Jack 和闪电 Logo,将联名身份展露无疑。


OW x Nike 绝佳平替!密歇根解构 Dunk Hi 官图曝光!

近年来疯狂刷屏的 Nike Dunk Hi 除了层出不穷的联名新品聚敛人气,自身鞋型也迎来推陈出新,为这个 1985 年诞生的经典注入全新活力和创意。 近期一款全新版本曝光,与此前 AF1 Bebel 一样,采用皮革拼接与尺寸各异的 Swoosh 叠加,营造前卫时尚的解构设计,加之增厚的大底轮廓及材质进化,舒适性进一步提升。


全新调色,Air Jordan 1 Low 新配色官图释出

全新配色的 Air Jordan 1 Low 官图释出,鞋身采用紫色作为主体,细节处选用黑色作为点缀,整体呈现出低调沉稳的风格。据悉,该鞋款即将于近期正式发售,喜欢的朋友不要错过。


经典元素,Air Jordan 9 “Particle Grey” 渲染图释出

Air Jordan 9 “Particle Grey” 全新渲染图释出,鞋身采用低调的黑灰色作为搭配,并在鞋面上融入3M反光的元素完成设计。据悉,该鞋款可能将于2022年初正式发售(1月8日),喜欢的朋友不要错过。


“Black” And “Khaki” Take Over The Latest Nike Pegasus Trail 3

The Nike Pegasus Trail 3 hasn’t been on the market for long, but it’s already emerged in a few of compelling colorways for on-and-off-road exploration. Unlike previous takes featuring tonal “Archaeo Pink” and eye-catching “Mystic Teal,” the latest option indulges in a predominantly-muted “Black/Khaki” arrangement. Performance-oriented components across the shoe’s entire upper divvy up the drab one-two punch, and are joined by “Game Royal” and “Iron Grey” branding accents. Underfoot, tried-and-proven Nike React foam opts for a speckled tan-like makeup, while the improved tread rounds out the look in all “Black.”


This “White/Black” Nike Air Force 1 Low Introduces New Branding Accents

Ahead of its 40th anniversary, the Nike Air Force 1 Low has emerged in dozens of styles, ranging from the simple to the experimental. While the pair’s “yin-and-yang”-appropriate color palette isn’t new to the model, the details on the tongue and lateral quarter panel are. The tongue features a reflective grid pattern and semi-blurred “NIKE” branding, while the lateral quarter panel boasts vertical “NiKE” logos. Nike Sportswear hasn’t disclosed the inspiration behind this arrangement, but given that other pairs have surfaced with identical design cues, it’s obvious this low-top Air Force 1 is part of a larger experimental collection. Complete release details haven’t been disclosed, but this pair is likely to hit Nike.com soon. In the meantime, enjoy official images of the shoes ahead.


This Women’s Nike Zoom Wildhorse 7 Stands Out In Multiple Yellow Hues

Unveiled via official images back in February, the Nike Zoom Wildhorse 7 has recently emerged in a women’s-exclusive option boasting various shades of vibrant yellow. Touted as a more supportive option for off-road exploration, the silhouette features the same Nike React foam cushioning that has appeared on top-tier Nike Running and Nike Basketball propositions. Breathable mesh across the mid-top, sock-like model are covered in a combination of “Pollen,” “Saturn Gold,” and “Yellow Strike,” creating a look that’ll be impossible to miss on the trails. Furthermore, the pull tab on the heel and surrounding area introduce a “Lime Glow” tone that also complements the white profile swooshes. All in all, the upcoming pair harkens back to the late 1980s and 1990s during which the Swoosh was introducing color to the drab sea of hiking footwear at the time.


The Nike Space Hippie 04 Goes Mocha

As we head into the latter half of the summer season, sportswear brands are beginning to bring out autumn-ready shades for upcoming releases. The Nike Space Hippie 04, which often flaunts vivid brights, is starting to gear up for the fall by indulging in a mocha-toned fitting. This new offering sees its “Space Waste Yarn” upper tinted in a cool-toned brown. For a tonal look, the heel loop and laces are also in a deep chocolate shade. The lateral side features a Swoosh formed by a cluster of beige stitches. A rather bare look is adopted by the medial side, however, although subtle zig-zag stitching details are seen. This trendy style is complete with a cream Crater foam midsole that includes blocks of Regrind rubber underfoot for added traction.


Mesh-Like Netting Covers The Nike Waffle One

Lauded for it similarities to the sacai LDWaffle, the Nike Waffle One is easily one of the fastest trending shoes. Its colorways only make it easier to love, adding to the variety a mix of interesting palettes and even more interesting materials. This pair, coincidentally, is an example of both. Its base is swapped out with a netting thick yet still somehow sheer. Between the spaces of its raised grid pattern, a selection of cool-tones come through, revealing shades of purple and blue that are also found along the collar’s contrast stitching and the outline of the tongue. The exterior, in contrast, lies on the opposite end of the spectrum, its thick suede overlays rendered in a deep tan, while the heel clip further darkens to an even deeper brown.


The adidas UltraBOOST DNA Web Is Arriving In “Triple Grey”

Since surfacing in 2015, the adidas UltraBOOST has been the brand’s modern-day “bread-and-butter.” As such, the silhouette has remained a staple within the German sportswear brand’s footwear roster, but hasn’t shied away from re-imaginations and modifications. And while the design team at the Three Stripes surely has handfuls of iterations lined up, it’s (unofficially) unveiled the next proposition using the DNA of that performance-turned-lifestyle icon: the adidas UltraBOOST DNA Web. At a glance, the silhouette retains a similar Primeknit build and shape as previous iterations. The biggest update, then, arrives via the sole unit. Gone is the exposed BOOST midsole and in its place, a net-like component that ostensibly keeps the game-changing foam firmer over long periods of time. The rubber compound also extends all-throughout the outsole, but Continental branding and Torsion bar at the center are omitted. Instead, the 360° Stretch Web (as is stamped onto the medial midsole) harkens back to the original UB, which may raise durability concerns again.


A Multitude Of Swooshes Are Hidden On This Women’s Nike ZoomX Vaporfly NEXT% 2

Despite the Tokyo Olympics being held a year late, the summer sports event is garnering as much excitement as ever as fans globally continue to root for their favorite athletes from the comfort of their homes. And as one of the biggest sportswear brands, Nike hasn’t hesitated to drop some Olympics-approved pieces to share with event watchers around the world. Among these releases is a women’s-exclusive Nike ZoomX Vaporfly NEXT% 2—one of the brand’s latest running shoes and a World Athletics-approved silhouette. A sequel to the Nike ZoomX Vaporfly NEXT%, this arrangement consists of a redesigned lightweight upper in white that reveals “Psychic Blue” Swooshes and decals underneath. From the toe to midfoot, a yellow gradient strip that extends onto the ZoomX-cushioned sole acts as a bold accent to the design. Messy dashed lines and Nike Running text deliver a deconstructed look reminiscent of technical drawings. The fun continues with the tongue covered in an assortment of Swooshes and Nike’s retro cursive logo. A full-length carbon fiber plate and flexible grooves on the outsole are the finishing touches that provide World Athletics-approved responsiveness and traction.


Despite Not Being On Team USA, Donovan Mitchell’s Adidas D.O.N. Issue #3 Appears In “Gold Medal” Colorway

Donovan Mitchell isn’t representing the red, white and blue at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, but that hasn’t stopped him from working with his adidas family to bring championship-caliber footwear to the masses. The latest D.O.N. Issue #3 indulged in a color palette that would’ve looked right at home on a gold medal podium. The performance-oriented pair indulges in a “Cloud White/Gold Metallic/Core Black” colorway that isn’t rare to the brand’s footwear lineup, but that’ll surely draw new fans for its arrangement. The mesh and synthetic upper divvies up a “yin-and-yang” makeup, while #45’s branding on the tongue and accents on the lace guards deviate in a statement-making gold. Midsoles also join in on the color trifecta, with the lateral structural detailing donning shimmering speckling that also appears in the center of the semi-translucent, icy blue outsole.


The Nike Air Max Pre-Day Appears In Fall-Ready “Oatmeal”

Ahead of autumn, Nike Sportswear has started revealing a handful of propositions appropriate for the changing of the season. Among the many options, the Nike Air Max Pre-Day has emerged in a “Oatmeal/Black/Hemp/White” colorway. Shades of brown across the mixed-materials upper sit atop a “White” foam midsole. Visible Air Max units toward the heel also indulge in a “colorless” tone that allows for the aforementioned tones to revel in the spotlight. Profile swooshes, heel pull tabs and waffle-patterned outsoles follow suit. Enjoy official images of the pair ahead, and anticipate a Nike.com release soon. For related footwear, the fragment x Travis Scott x Air Jordan 1 Low OG is set to launch on August 13th.


The New Balance X-Racer Returns In “Bleached Lime Glo”

Inspired by the trail, the New Balance XRCT — otherwise referred to as the X-Racer — brings the outdoors energy to the city. And with its brand new “Bleached Lime Glo” colorway, the pair ensures that every passerby takes a second glance. Unabashedly loud, the entire shoe is colored with the aforementioned green. It provides the mesh, leather overlays, and midsole a highlighter-esque look that’s balanced little by the accents atop. These — the “N” logo, heel clip, laces, etc. — are kept a light shade of grey, while the lining and outsole contrast more heavily in black.


The Nike SB Nyjah Free 2 Appears In Soft Mango Hues

The sport of skateboarding has been making headlines this summer as one of the five sports to debut in the Tokyo Olympics—along with its association with some of the youngest competitors (and medalists) in the quadrennial event’s history. At the height of it all, the Nike SB line is looking to expand its roster of skate-ready styles by unveiling a summer-friendly, mango-colored Nyjah Free 2. A signature shoe belonging to Team USA’s very own Nyjah Huston, the model sports a soft orange, lightweight mesh upper that allows wearers to keep their cool when skating in the summer heat. The tongue sees a vivid mango plush construction and features a teal “NYJAH”-branded strip. Ghillie loops on the tongue—a design cue borrowed from the 1997 Nike Spiridon—create a lace system that hugs the foot from bottom to top while also helping the laces last longer. The skate shoe is complete with a rubber outsole that contains deep grooves for a broken-in feel and traction.


Tan And Grey Hues Emphasize Neutral Tones On The Nike Air Max 95

With August just around the corner, Nike has been gradually revealing new styles well-suited for the fall. In autumn-appropriate fashion, an upcoming Nike Air Max 95 is clad in both beige tones and suede materials. Although black mesh is applied to the base, suede and leather overlays in much lighter tones dominate the style. The layered elements opt for a mostly grey color scheme that extends onto the toe. As if the suedes weren’t fall-friendly enough, a tan leather stripe on both sides interrupts the greyscale look. The design continues its neutral appearance by flaunting a cream-colored sole unit. Reflective detailing on the tongue and black rubber applied underfoot complete the arrangement, delivering a new offering ideal for the upcoming season.


The Nike Air Max 96 II Makes A Greyscale Appearance

Simplicity seems to be the Nike Air Max 96 II‘s forte — and rightfully so, as the retro silhouette looks best in as little color as possible. Here, the brand is taking that mindset to an even further degree, dressing the upper entirely in neutral shades. For starters, the overlays, of which there are many, are brushed with “Anthracite,” while a darker black finish lightly complements underneath. Another layer deeper and grey shades come into play, dressing not just the outline of the Swoosh as well as the attached strip but also the durable ripstop material that serves as the shoe’s foundation. Elsewhere, the midsole is kept pristine in white, matching only part of the tongue’s embroidered branding.


The Jordan Zion 1 “Light Smoke Grey” Set For An August 12th Release

The New Orleans Pelicans front office has quite the task ahead of itself as it looks to properly build around its star Zion Williamson in hopes for eventual championship contention. With the roster around the former Duke standout constantly changing (they just traded away to seasoned veterans in Eric Bledsoe and Steven Adams), gaining consistency has proven to be ever elusive and the fear of losing their future elite star swells ever so slightly as his rookie contract nears its expiration. Even Jordan Brand could possibly benefit from Zion relocating to a much larger market, although the Bucks’ recent title should instill some confidence on the smaller market teams being able to truly build a contender. This August 12th, another colorway of the Jordan Zion 1 signature shoe is expected to release. Featuring a Light Smoke Grey and Total Orange colorway, this upcoming release hits the subtle sporty look on the nail thanks to the full grey upper and black accents. The hits of orange arrive in perfect form, landing just on the forefoot lace eyelets, tongue logos, and outsole traction.


Nike Gives the New SB Force 58 a “Dutch Blue” Makeup

After outfitting the Nike (NYSE:NKE +0.31%) Air Max 96 II with a “Midnight Navy” colorway, the Swoosh hits up the basketball-inspired SB Force 58 for a crisp new palette realized in “Dutch Blue,” white, and black tones. The icy blue hue is observed on the toe caps, heel overlay and subtle touches on the branded insignias located on the tongue and insole portions. Black is added for a balanced feel as the neutral tone is slapped on the uppers and Nike logo on the lateral as well as the medial sides.


Vans Taps Tyson Peterson for "The Wayvee Collection

Vans‘ very own professional skateboarder, Tyson Peterson, has lent his creative talents to designing “The Wayvee” collection. The collaborative offering consists of an all-new skate silhouette aptly called The Wayvee that features a low-top sneaker designed to elevate skate performance. The shoe features an intricate composition as its wrapped in an all-black palette with hits of red, yellow and green. As far as specs are concerned, the low-top boasts translucent mesh quarters for maximum breathability alongside DURACAP toe caps to maximize the lifespan of the shoe during wear. What’s more, interior LuxLiners offer a sock-like fit for more comfort and support when worn. Last but certainly not least, the sneaker is topped up with the signature Wafflecup outsoles to give skaters extra gri and cushioning p when cruising or doing tricks.


Dr. Martens' Sales in Q1 2021 Surpass Pre-COVID Levels

Following a turbulent year for the British footwear maker due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, Dr. Martens has now rallied in Q1 of 2021 to see sales rise above pre-COVID levels from 2019. Over its past quarter ending June 30, the company managed to rake in £147.3 million GBP ($204.8 million USD), representing a whopping 52 percent growth from the same period last year, though the company calls it a “weak comparative” due to the pandemic. More impressively, the figure also marks a 31 percent increase over the first quarter of 2019, long before COVID-19 swooped in.


New Balance 237 “Night Tide” Colorway Channels The Joker

If you’re looking to elevate your shoe collection before the summer concludes look no further than New Balance who always presents fresh new offerings from their extensive catalog of shoes. Specifically, if you’re in the market for a fun and daring iteration of New Balance’s 237 silhouette, check out the brand’s new “Night Tide” colorway. The shoe, which is inspired by 70’s heritage running shoes, is constantly evolving through the usage of bold colors. Channeling the eclectic villain, The Joker, the new colorway is washed in green and purple. The microfiber and mesh upper gets a dark green makeover. The upper is then layered on top of the purple suede that characterizes the shoe’s throat. The midsole and oversized N logos are doused in a clean white, resting boldly atop of the multiple colors that make up the shoe. The new colorway is finished off with a black sole.


Sole Mates: Jourdan Ash and the Nike Air Force 1

Born in Detroit and raised in Harlem, Jourdan Ash has been immersed in sneaker culture for as long as she can remember. The journalist and founder of True to Us — an online platform that “[normalizes] Black and brown women as the foundation of the sneaker and streetwear industries” — grew up being dressed in Air Jordans by her mother, and then discovered Nike (NYSE:NKE +0.31%) ‘s Air Force 1 when she moved to Harlem, a place many would consider the capital of Western sneaker culture, as a young child. Though the Air Force 1 is loved the world over, it’s held in especially high regard in Harlem. There, it’s often referred to as the “Uptown” due to Harlem’s geographic location in Manhattan. “Once I realized that people were looking at my kicks before they decided if they wanted to have a conversation with me or not, my whole life kind of shifted,” Ash reminisces with a smile. This discovery and the prominence of the Air Force 1 at cultural events like Harlem’s African American Day Parade hooked a young Ash, who got her first pair of Air Force 1s almost 20 years ago and hasn’t looked back since.


The Nike Glide Flyease Premium “Mercury Grey” Is Arriving Soon

Earlier this year, Nike was making headlines by debuting the Nike Go FlyEase—the first-ever truly hands-free shoe. Although getting your hands on a pair now isn’t the easiest task, the Swoosh is thankfully extending its Flyease line by adding a Nike Glide Flyease Premium in a sleek “Mercury Grey” colorway. The laceless proposition sports a “Mercury Grey” mesh upper and sees black overlays for a greyscale look. A hands-free FlyEase entry and collapsible heel allow for wearers to step into the shoe. For a more secure fit, the front of the model uses an elastic cord that removes the need for traditional laces. ZoomX foam further ensures comfort and responsiveness while the sole unit embraces sustainable materials. Eco-conscious. Both Crater foam and Regrind rubber compose the midsole and outsole, respectively, in their full-speckled glory to complete the easy-wear design.


コンバースのスニーカー「オールスター クップ」サイドゴア仕様の新作、レザーアッパーでドレッシーに

コンバース(CONVERSE)のスニーカー「オールスター クップ」に、新作2型が登場。2021年9月に発売される。「オールスター クップ サイドゴア(ALL STAR COUPE SIDEGORE)」は、サイドゴア仕様でアレンジした、オールスター クップの新モデル。アッパーには艶やかなレザーを使用し、ドレッシーな印象に。ソールとアッパーを同色でまとめたブラックモノクロームと、ホワイトのソールで抜け感を添えたブラウンの2色を用意する。「オールスター クップ ゴアテックス サラウンド OX(ALL STAR COUPE GORE-TEX SURROUND OX)」は、優れた透湿性と防水性を兼ね備えた「ゴアテックス サラウンド プロダクトテクノロジー」搭載のオールスター クップだ。



コンバース(CONVERSE)の新作スニーカー「オールスター US フルギパッチワーク HI(ALL STAR US FURUGIPATCHWORK HI)」が、2021年9月、直営店ホワイトアトリエ バイ コンバース限定で発売される。「オールスター US フルギパッチワーク HI」は、アッパーをアメリカ古着のパッチワークで仕上げた「オールスター」だ。実際の古着生地をパッチワークしているため、1つ1つに異なる表情が特徴。フランネルチェックと、カモ柄などを使ったミリタリーの2種類を用意する。



コンバース(CONVERSE)の新作スニーカー「オールスター J VTG ウェイトトレーナー HI(ALL STAR J VTG WEIGHTTRAINER HI)」が、2021年9月に発売される。丁寧なこだわりのある再現が話題となる限定ライン「Time Line」から第3弾が登場。「オールスター J VTG ウェイトトレーナー HI」は、1959年から登場した「ウェイト?オールスター?トレーナー」のディテールを、日本製で再現したモデルだ。オリジナルモデルには、足の筋力を鍛えるためソールに重りを取り付けていたが、今回のモデルではこの重りを取り除いた。他方で、ブルーのトウキャップ、ヒールラベル、プレイヤーズネームなど、当時のデザインを踏襲している。



コンバース(CONVERSE)から、環境に配慮したエコ素材を使用した「コンバース イーシーラボ(converse e.c.lab)」の新作スニーカー3種が登場。2021年9月より発売される。「ジャックパーセル フード テキスタイル(JACK PURCELL FOOD TEXTILE)」は、廃棄予定の食材などを染料として再活用する「フード テキスタイル」の生地をアッパーに採用したジャックパーセルだ。今回は、柔らかく深みのあるエスプレッソコーヒーと、爽やかな青色のレッドターニップ(かぶの1種)の2色を用意。化学染料の使用を抑えた、優しい色味で仕上げている。「ジャックパーセル オーラー HV CF-スエード(JACK PURCELL OEHLER HV CF-SUEDE)」は、ドイツの老舗レザータンナー「オーラー社」のカーフスエードを使用したジャックパーセル。スエードは、革をなめす際にクロムを使用していない、環境に優しい素材となっている。鮮やかなターコイズグリーンと、柔らかなナチュラルの2色で展開する。



コンバース(CONVERSE)の新作スニーカー「スエード オールスター ウェスタンブーツ Z HI(SUEDE ALL STAR WESTERNBOOTS Z HI)」が、2021年9月に発売される。 「スエード オールスター ウェスタンブーツ Z HI」は、ウェスタンブーツの特徴的なパターンを履き口やバンプに落とし込んだ「オールスター」だ。アッパーの素材には、スエードを採用。また、外側ジッパー仕様のため、脱ぎ履きもしやすく仕上げられている。


コンバース キャンピングサプライ×エフシーイーのスニーカー「QAK CP」ゴアテックスでアップデート

コンバース キャンピングサプライ(CONVERSE CAMPING SUPPLY)とエフシーイー(F/CE.)のコラボレーションスニーカー「QAK CP ゴアテックス HI / エフシーイー(QAK CP GORE-TEX HI / F/CE.)」が、2021年9月に発売される。ストリートに馴染むクラシックなデザインに、頑丈なアウトドアスペックを搭載したシューズを展開するコンバース キャンピングサプライ。エフシーイーとのコラボレーションでは、防水透湿素材のゴアテックス(GORE-TEX) ファブリクスを採用したスニーカーを用意する。


コンバース スケートボーディングのスニーカー「CX PRO-250」サイドゴア仕様にアレンジ

コンバース スケートボーディング(CONVERSE SKATEBOARDING)のスタンダードシリーズから、新作スニーカー「CX-PRO SK サイドゴア HI(CX-PRO SK SIDEGORE HI)」が登場。2021年9月に発売される。「CX-PRO SK サイドゴア HI」は、アーカイブの「CX PRO-250」をスケート仕様にアレンジしたモデルだ。ハイカットのすっきりとしたシルエットを引き継ぎつつ、着脱が容易なサイドゴアパターンを採用した。


アディダス オリジナルス×ヒューマンメイド“アクア”など両ブランドカラーを配したスニーカー&ウェア

アディダス オリジナルス(adidas Originals)とヒューマンメイド(HUMAN MADE)のコラボレーションコレクション「アディダスオリジナルス by ヒューマンメイド」の第3弾が登場。2021年8月7日(土)よりアディダス直営店などで発売される。今回のコレクションは、両ブランドを象徴する“色”から着想。ラインナップするスニーカー&ウェアには、それぞれのアイコニックなカラーが落とし込まれている。フットウェアは、通気性の良いメッシュアッパーを備えた「クエスター(QUESTAR)」、大胆なカットアウトが特徴の「EQT レーシング(EQT RACING)」の2型。それぞれ2色展開で、アディダスのアイコニックなカラーである「アクア」と、ブラウンを基調としたヒューマンメイドのシグネチャーカラーに着想を得た配色となっている。



Y's(ワイズ)と俳優?歌手のヴァネス?ウー(Van Ness Wu)が手掛けるブランド「Xヴェセル(xVESSEL)」のコラボレーションスニーカー「Y's × xVessel HIGH-CUT」が、2021年8月6日(金)にY's 国内ストアにて開催される。継続的にコラボレーションを行っているY'sと「Xヴェセル」の新作ハイカットスニーカーは、フロントをパーツで覆った、スノーブーツのような存在感のある1足。フロントパーツは取り外し可能で、シンプルなキャンバス地のハイカットスニーカーとしても履くことのできる2WAY仕様となっている。


アトモス×アディダス オリジナルス“代々木公園”着想スニーカー

アトモス(atmos)とアディダス オリジナルス(adidas Originals)から、“YOYOGI PARK PACK”と題したユニセックスのコラボレーションスニーカーが登場。2021年8月3日(火)から6日(金)まで抽選を受付け、8月7日(土)よりアトモス各店などで発売される。コラボレーションスニーカーは、アディダス オリジナルスのスニーカー「フォーラム ロー(FORUM LOW)」「ZX 8000」をベースした2種類。自然豊かな“代々木公園”から着想した、落ち着いた配色が特徴だ。


以上是VOL.47 | 一线潮流运动资讯合集的介绍,包含了8月2日更新LI-NING WAY OF WADE IX “ICE BLOOD”ZUCCa x CONVERSE Jack Purcell RH 联名鞋履登场maharishi 携手 G.H.BASS 推出全新联乘Nike ACG 2021 秋季系列即将发售DANNER x《LIGHTNING》联乘系列登场球衣材质打造!维金斯 PE 匹克大三角曝光!网友:市售必入!OFF-WHITE x Dunk Low 开始抽签了!官方晒出上脚照!美区 SNKRS 上架!TS x 闪电新联名又来了! 网友:钱包受不住!OW x Nike 绝佳平替!密歇根解构 Dunk Hi 官图曝光!全新调色,Air Jordan 1 Low 新配色官图释出经典元素,Air Jordan 9 “Particle Grey” 渲染图释出“Black” And “Khaki” Take Over The Latest Nike Pegasus Trail 3This “White/Black” Nike Air Force 1 Low Introduces New Branding AccentsThis Women’s Nike Zoom Wildhorse 7 Stands Out In Multiple Yellow HuesThe Nike Space Hippie 04 Goes MochaMesh-Like Netting Covers The Nike Waffle OneThe adidas UltraBOOST DNA Web Is Arriving In “Triple Grey”A Multitude Of Swooshes Are Hidden On This Women’s Nike ZoomX Vaporfly NEXT% 2Despite Not Being On Team USA, Donovan Mitchell’s Adidas D.O.N. Issue #3 Appears In “Gold Medal” ColorwayThe Nike Air Max Pre-Day Appears In Fall-Ready “Oatmeal”The New Balance X-Racer Returns In “Bleached Lime Glo”The Nike SB Nyjah Free 2 Appears In Soft Mango HuesTan And Grey Hues Emphasize Neutral Tones On The Nike Air Max 95The Nike Air Max 96 II Makes A Greyscale AppearanceThe Jordan Zion 1 “Light Smoke Grey” Set For An August 12th ReleaseNike Gives the New SB Force 58 a “Dutch Blue” MakeupVans Taps Tyson Peterson for "The Wayvee CollectionDr. Martens' Sales in Q1 2021 Surpass Pre-COVID LevelsNew Balance 237 “Night Tide” Colorway Channels The JokerSole Mates: Jourdan Ash and the Nike Air Force 1The Nike Glide Flyease Premium “Mercury Grey” Is Arriving Soonコンバースのスニーカー「オールスター クップ」サイドゴア仕様の新作、レザーアッパーでドレッシーにコンバースのスニーカー「オールスター」“アメリカ古着”のパッチワークアッパー仕様コンバースのスニーカー「オールスター」トレーニングシューズのデザインを日本製で復刻コンバースの新作スニーカー、“赤カブ&コーヒー”で染めた「ジャックパーセル」などコンバースのスニーカー「オールスター」“ウェスタンブーツ”モチーフの新作、スエード仕様のアッパーコンバース キャンピングサプライ×エフシーイーのスニーカー「QAK CP」ゴアテックスでアップデートコンバース スケートボーディングのスニーカー「CX PRO-250」サイドゴア仕様にアレンジアディダス オリジナルス×ヒューマンメイド“アクア”など両ブランドカラーを配したスニーカー&ウェアY's「Xヴェセル」ハイカットスニーカー、“再構築”ソール&変形可能な2WAYアッパーアトモス×アディダス オリジナルス“代々木公園”着想スニーカー等内容,想浏览详细内容,请进入网站流行趋势报告:VOL.47 | 一线潮流运动资讯合集(点击进入全文,可浏览/下载款式高清图)



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